Shameek Agarwal

High Level Design Case Studies

Steps to Follow abstraction - we need to stay at the abstraction level of the system and not its low level implementation there is no one correct solution step 1 - ~ 5 mins - gathering func...

High Level Design

Software Architecture what is software architecture - high level design - hide implementations and express in terms of abstractions of the different components and how th...

Low Level Design

SOLID Principles Single Responsibility Principle “a class should have only one reason to change” it should not handle multiple concerns this increases “cohesion” - only related code belong...


Introduction elasticsearch is open source we interact with elasticsearch using rest api and json, making it easy to work with elasticsearch is written in java and uses apache lucene underne...


Introduction spark - developed at uc berkley as an improvement of hadoop it borrowed concepts from hadoop but now works independent of it unlike hive etc, spark doesn’t convert into the map...


Object Oriented Programming Basics a java program can have any number of classes. the classes can have any name and the java program can have any name however, only one public class...

Spring Reactive

Project Reactor traditional approach - one thread per request. issues - there a lot of io tasks, e.g. calls to database, file system access, calling other microservices, etc. these i...

Docker and Kubernetes

About Docker docker is a tool for managing containers container is a package of our code along with the dependencies and libraries to run that code docker follows a client server architectu...


Introduction big data is for terabytes or petabytes of data explosion of data - rate at which data is being generated is very high 3 vs of big data - data volume - as the resolut...

Messaging Systems

Kafka Setup note - environment should have java 8+ installed download the zip from here unzip it - tar -xzf kafka_2.13-3.5.0.tgz note - the 2.13… here is not the kafka, but the scala ver...