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Resistance Training

  • “resistance training” - helps build muscles
  • “weight training” = using free weights and machines
  • “body weight training” = using body weight
  • body weight training advantages - no special equipment is needed. also, less prone to injuries
  • body weight training disadvantages - progressive overload is hard to achieve
  • weight training advantages - helps build muscle quicker
  • “progressive overload” - creating an environment which forces the body to adapt
  • for progressive overload, increasing weights is very very important. this is the best way to build muscles
  • formula to build muscles = training + nutrition + rest
  • “hypertrophy” - process of building muscle - we damage the muscle fibres, and our body grows back stronger and more muscle fibres
  • “compound movements” - work several muscles at once. they are the most effective
  • for now, compound movements are much better for me than “isolation movements” i.e. movements that target a specific muscle

Workout Strategy

  • workouts are split into two categories
  • they can be done for 4 days in a week, alternating between each other
  • how much break to take -
    • 30 seconds between warmup sets
    • 1.5 min between sets
    • 3 mins between exercises
  • remember - we increase reps for “endurance” and increase weights for “strength”
  • increasing weight is the right technique for hypertrophy
  • “warmup” - lowers risk of injury and activates muscles before exercise
  • we do 2 warmup sets per exercise - empty barbell, and then 0.5 times of first actual set

Full Body Workout 1 Routine

  • bench press - 2 warmup sets, 3 actual sets, 8 reps
  • barbell row - 2 warmup sets, 3 actual sets, 8 reps
  • barbell squats - 2 warmup sets, 3 actual sets, 8 reps
  • bicep curls - 2 warmup sets, 3 actual sets, 10 reps

Full Body Workout 2 Routine

  • pull ups - 2 warmup sets, 3 actual sets, 8 reps
  • deadlift - 2 warmup sets, 3 actual sets, 8 reps
  • military press - 2 warmup sets, 3 actual sets, 8 reps
  • tricep push down - 2 warmup sets, 3 actual sets, 10 reps


  • “flexibility” - moving a joint through full range of its motion
  • static stretching != warmup - warmup is done using light weights
  • mistake 1 - a stretch should be never be done beyond 60 seconds
  • mistake 2 - do not hold your breath when stretching
  • “static stretching” - bringing muscles to their peak position and holding them there for 15-30 seconds. should be done post-workout
  • “dynamic stretching” - moving through a range of motion repeatedly. should be done pre-workout

Dynamic Stretching Routine - Lower Body

  • jumping jacks - 30 seconds
  • walking lunges - 10 reps per leg
  • knee tucks - 10 reps per leg
  • leg swings - 10 reps per leg
  • side lunges with a twist - 10 reps per leg

Dynamic Stretching Routine - Upper Body

  • normal arm circles - 10 reps
  • normal arm circles (reverse direction) - 10 reps
  • large arm circles - 10 reps
  • large arm circles (reverse direction) - 10 reps
  • pushups - for now, as many as possible in one set

Static Stretching

  • seated back twist
  • quad stretch
  • hip abductor stretch
  • hamstring stretch
  • gluteal stretch
  • lat stretch
  • calf stretch
  • lying abdominal stretch
  • neck side bend
  • shoulder stretch
  • tricep stretch
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