Jupyter Notebooks
- jupyter - web based environment for notebook documents
- allows to have python code along with headings, charts, tables, etc
- the entire flow -
- there is a notebook server running on our terminal bts
- what we do in the browser is communicated to this server to be executed
- finally, the output is returned to be displayed in the browser
- anaconda - automates setup of a lot of data science related libraries etc on our computer
- the steps i used to install anaconda on my linux pc is here
- i also had to run
conda config --set auto_activate_base False
to prevent the environment from being activated on terminal startup - activate the environment in shell using
source ~/anaconda3/bin/activate
- to install packages, use
conda install <<package-name>>
- to run the jupyter notebook, type
in shell - i am doing all of this from the folder where i want to store my notebooks
- when i created a new notebook, i could see that importing pandas and matplotlib was working by default without me installing anything
- execute a cell by using the run button / using shift + enter. it executes the current cell and
- inserts a new cell below if it is the last cell
- moves to the next cell below if it is not the last cell
- to only execute the current cell, use cmd + enter
- jupyter notebooks have autosave
- to shut down, use - file -> shutdown or cmd + c on the terminal where we ran jupyter-notebook
- all the code in a cell is executed, but the output is only shown for the last line in the cell
- there are two kinds of mode - command mode and editing mode
- go into command mode by clicking anywhere outside / hitting escape
- go into editing mode by clicking inside a cell / hitting enter when focus is on a cell
- actions like inserting cells etc can be done using shortcuts when in command mode
- we can navigate through cells using up and down arrow keys when in command mode
- use “a” insert a cell above, “b” to insert a cell below
- use “dd” to delete a cell
- undo cell operation e.g. undo deleting a cell using “z”, redo a cell operation using shift + z
- a notebook can have different kinds of cells - e.g. code cells, markdown cells, etc. there is a dropdown that lets us select the type of the current cell
- we have a little restart icon which we can use to restart the kernel / stop button to interrupt the kernel. use case - e.g. if one cell ends up executing an infinite loop, we will not be able to execute any other cell
- we can run all the cells from top to bottom using run -> run all cells
- to see the documentation of something -
- ensure cursor is somewhere on read_csv and do shift + tab - this opens the documentation in a popuppd.read_csv?
- this can be the last statement in a cell, and then the documentation is displayed in the output. the output cell might be bigger and easier to browse through than a popup
Dataframes and Datasets
- textual data can be stored in csv, json, sql, etc
- dataframes - 2 dimensional data - rows and columns
- in jupyter, we can take a brief look at the data as seen by pandas using the following -
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house_data = pd.read_csv("data/kc_house_data.csv") house_data
- by default, pandas shows us the first 5 and last 5 rows, and first 10 and last 10 columns in jupyter. we can configure this however
- to view all the columns -
- to view the number of rows -
- to see the number of rows and columns in one go -
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house_data.shape # (21613, 21)
- we can construct a new dataframe using the for e.g. first x / last x rows of the existing dataframe
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first_7 = house_data.head(7) last_6 = house_data.tail(6)
- by default, pandas will assign data types using the following logic - if it is numeric, assign int if data has no decimals, else float. everything else is assigned to the object data type
- we can view these datatypes assigned by pandas using
. note it also shows the number of rows having null value for that column, the index information, the memory used, etc1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
house_data.info() # <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> # RangeIndex: 21613 entries, 0 to 21612 # Data columns (total 21 columns): # # Column Non-Null Count Dtype # --- ------ -------------- ----- # 0 id 21613 non-null int64 # 1 date 21613 non-null object # 2 price 21613 non-null float64 # 3 bedrooms 21613 non-null int64 # ... # memory usage: 3.5+ MB
- specifying a separator manually if the separator used in csv is not comma -
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netflix = pd.read_csv("data/netflix_titles.csv", sep="|") netflix
- if we want to provide custom column names, we use
. in this case, the first row already had the headers but not in a format we liked, so we also pass 0 for theheader
attribute, so that pandas can skip the first row, and use the column names we provide1 2 3 4
headers = ('sumlev', 'region', 'division', 'state', 'name') nst = pd.read_csv("data/nst-est2020.csv", names=headers, header=0) nst
- finally, if we would like to use one of the existing columns as the index column, we can specify that as well using the index parameter
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mount_everest_deaths = pd.read_csv("data/mount_everest_deaths.csv", index_col="No.") mount_everest_deaths
- note - we can also pass in the column position instead of the column name for index col, like this -
Basic Operations
- finding the minimum / maximum - it returns a series data structure, and we get the min / max for every column when we perform this operation
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house_data.min() # id 1000102 # date 20140502T000000 # price 75000.0 # bedrooms 0 # bathrooms 0.0
- sum - sum all values. e.g. if a column has only holds a 1 or a 0, it gives us the number of values with a 1 for that attribute. for string like columns, it might concatenate them like strings. to prevent that, we also pass in the numeric only attribute
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house_data.sum(numeric_only=True) # price 1.167293e+10 # bedrooms 7.285400e+04 # bathrooms 4.570625e+04 # sqft_living 4.495287e+07 # sqft_lot 3.265069e+08 # floors 3.229650e+04
- similarly, we also have count (gives the non null values for all columns), mean, median and mode
- describe - automatically gives a bunch of statistics around all numeric columns -
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titanic.describe() # pclass survived sibsp parch # count 1309.000000 1309.000000 1309.000000 1309.000000 # mean 2.294882 0.381971 0.498854 0.385027 # std 0.837836 0.486055 1.041658 0.865560 # min 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 # 25% 2.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 # 50% 3.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 # 75% 3.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 # max 3.000000 1.000000 8.000000 9.000000
- to get stats around non-numeric columns, we can set include to object. top gives the value that occurs the most number of times, while freq gives the number of times
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titanic.describe(include = 'object') # name sex age ticket fare cabin embarked boat body home.dest # count 1309 1309 1309 1309 1309 1309 1309 1309 1309 1309 # unique 1307 2 99 929 282 187 4 28 122 370 # top Connolly, Miss. Kate male ? CA. 2343 8.05 ? S ? ? ? # freq 2 843 263 11 60 1014 914 823 1188 564
Series and Columns
- selecting a single column -
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titanic["name"] # 0 Allen, Miss. Elisabeth Walton # 1 Allison, Master. Hudson Trevor # ... # 1307 Zakarian, Mr. Ortin # 1308 Zimmerman, Mr. Leo
- note - this is of type pandas series
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type(titanic["name"]) # pandas.core.series.Series
- series - one dimensional array with labels
- for instance, i think when we select a column, the labels are the index column of the dataframe. e.g. if i index the dataframe using show id -
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netflix_titles["type"] # show_id # s1 Movie # s2 TV Show # ... # s8806 Movie # s8807 Movie
- when we call functions like sum for instance (refer above)
- the value in the series is the sum for every column
- the labels are the column names
- functions like describe which returned a dataframe when called on a dataframe, will return a series when called on a series
- for functions like
-- when calling sum on a dataframe, we got a series
- when calling sum on a series, we will get a single value
houses["price"].sum() # 11672925008.0
- we can access the labels of a series using index, and the underlying values using values -
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houses_min = houses.min() houses_min # id 1000102 # date 20140502T000000 # price 75000.0 houses_min.index # Index(['id', 'date', 'price'], dtype='object') houses_min.values # array([1000102, '20140502T000000', 75000.0], dtype=object)
Intermediate Operations
- unique - give the unique value in a series. the return type of such methods is numpy array
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houses["bedrooms"].unique() # array([ 3, 2, 4, 5, 1, 6, 7, 0, 8, 9, 11, 10, 33]) type(houses["bedrooms"].unique()) # numpy.ndarray
- nunique - number of unique values. by default, dropna is True
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netflix_titles["director"].nunique(), netflix_titles["director"].nunique(dropna=False) # (4528, 4529)
- nlargest - n largest values. by default, n is 5
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houses['price'].nlargest(n=7) # 7252 7700000.0 # 3914 7062500.0 # 9254 6885000.0 # 4411 5570000.0 # 1448 5350000.0 # 1315 5300000.0 # 1164 5110800.0
- caveat - handling duplicates - e.g. imagine class has 3 unique values - 1st class, 2nd class and 3rd class. when we call nlargest with n set to 709, we get 709 values, each with value 3. when we call it with 710, we get 709 values for 3, and 1 value for 2. but what if we wanted all values for the last value that comes when using nlargest? we can set the keep parameter. when keep is all, we get 986 total values, even though n was 710. other possible values for keep are first (default) and last (probably the last row with the value as 2nd class would be returned in this case?)
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len(titanic['pclass'].nlargest(709)), len(titanic['pclass'].nlargest(709, keep='all')) # (709, 709) len(titanic['pclass'].nlargest(710)), len(titanic['pclass'].nlargest(710, keep='all')) # (710, 986)
- similarly, we can call it on dataframes as well - we will need to specify the column names as well this time around though -
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houses.nlargest(5, "price") # id date price bedrooms # 7252 6762700020 20141013T000000 7700000.0 6 # 3914 9808700762 20140611T000000 7062500.0 5 # 9254 9208900037 20140919T000000 6885000.0 6
- we access a single column like this -
. to access multiple columns, we can use the following syntax. note that even though we just pass one parameter, what we get back is still a dataframe, and not a series like we would get when usingnetflix_titles["title"]
. note - remember that this creates a new dataframe1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
netflix_titles[["title"]] # title # show_id # s1 Dick Johnson Is Dead # s2 Blood & Water # s3 Ganglands houses[["bedrooms", "bathrooms"]] # bedrooms bathrooms # 0 3 1.00 # 1 3 2.25 # 2 2 1.00
- value counts - counts of unique values. sorts in descending order of counts by default. we can use the ascending parameter to sort it in ascending order of counts
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houses["bedrooms"].value_counts() # 3 9824 # 4 6882 # 2 2760
- we can also have value counts for a dataframe. if we do it for all columns, we might end up having 1 value per row, as any two rows having same values for all columns is rare. we would typically perform this on a subset of columns like below. note - we still get back a series - it feels like the label of the series is comprised of multiple attributes, but it is still a pandas series and not a dataframe
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houses[["bedrooms", "bathrooms"]].value_counts() # bedrooms bathrooms # 4 2.50 2502 # 3 2.50 2357 # 2 1.00 1558
- small note - there are multiple ways of doing a thing, maybe we should try being efficient. i make these mistakes frequently - using the first value in the output of value counts instead of using mode directly, etc -
vsnsmallest(20, "Attack")
Plotting Basics
- in case of a series, we plot values against labels. if i try to for e.g. do
, it would not make much sense, since we would be plotting number of bedrooms against an index that might be like a house identifier - so, we can for e.g. plot value counts of bedrooms - this way, we would be plotting number of houses with the given number of bedrooms against number of bedrooms - as we see below, 3 bedrooms are the most common
- above, we tried plotting a pandas series. we can also plot dataframes
- e.g. try looking at the general distribution between bedrooms and bathrooms, by plotting one against another. we will have to customize both the x and y axis in this case, otherwise again, we might end up plotting all attributes against the autogenerated index
houses.plot(x="bedrooms", y="bathrooms", kind="scatter")
- both dataframes and series in pandas have labels / indices
- by default, a range index is used - auto incrementing index that goes 0, 1, 2, and so on
- when we select a column in a dataframe, the labels used for the series is the same as the one used for the original dataframe
- e.g. if we have a csv containing the stock related data for a particular stock, we can set the index column to be date, to easily get the low and high price for a particular date. we can set the index to a column manually by calling set index. note - like most things, this too returns a new dataframe instead of mutating the original dataframe
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bitcoin["High"] # 0 147.488007 # 1 146.929993 # 2 139.889999 bitcoin = bitcoin.set_index("Date") # High Low Open Close # Date # 2013-04-29 23:59:59 147.488007 134.000000 134.444000 144.539993 # 2013-04-30 23:59:59 146.929993 134.050003 144.000000 139.000000 # 2013-05-01 23:59:59 139.889999 107.720001 139.000000 116.989998 bitcoin["High"] # Date # 2013-04-29 23:59:59 147.488007 # 2013-04-30 23:59:59 146.929993 # 2013-05-01 23:59:59 139.889999
- if for e.g. we were to call
after setting the index, the plot would make a lot more sense - high price against date, so how the price of bitcoin changed over days / years. without the re-indexing, it would display the price of bitcoin against an auto-incrementing integer, which would not have made much sense - we can also do it when reading the csv using the index col parameter as seen earlier
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happiness_indexed = pd.read_csv("data/world-happiness-report-2021.csv", index_col="Country name") happiness_indexed # Healthy life expectancy Freedom to make life choices # Country name # Finland 72.000 0.949 # Denmark 72.700 0.946 # Switzerland 74.400 0.919
- sort values - it is present both in series and dataframe. the default sort order is ascending. but, it is not in place. with most commands, i was reassigning the actual variable itself. there is another way to achieve this though when using these functions - passing in true for the in place argument
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happiness_indexed.sort_values("Healthy life expectancy", ascending=False, inplace=True) # Healthy life expectancy Freedom to make life choices # Country name # Singapore 76.953 0.927 # Hong Kong 76.820 0.717 # Japan 75.100 0.796
- sorting by multiple columns - descending by number of bedrooms, ascending by number of bathrooms -
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houses = pd.read_csv("data/kc_house_data.csv") houses.sort_values(["bedrooms", "bathrooms"], ascending=[False, True]) # bedrooms bathrooms # 15870 33 1.75 # 8757 11 3.00 # 15161 10 2.00
- when sorting by a text column, e.g. name, the sorting will use the ascii value, so
comes beforeabhishek
. we can use the key function in pandas to provide a custom lambda to use when sorting rows -1
titanic.sort_values("name", inplace=True, key=lambda name: name.str.lower())
- sort index - helps sort the data by the index / labels -
- we can call sort values / sort index on pandas series as well - the difference here is providing the column would not be required when sorting by values
- by default, value counts sorts on frequency. however, this might not make sense when we try to plot it - houses with 3 bedrooms would appear before houses with 1 bedroom on the x axis. so, we sort by the number of bedrooms i.e. the index
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bedrooms_stats = houses["bedrooms"].value_counts() bedrooms_stats # bedrooms # 3 9824 # 4 6882 # 2 2760 # 5 1601 # 6 272 # 1 199 bedrooms_stats.sort_index(inplace=True) bedrooms_stats.plot(kind="bar")
- we already tried accessing data using columns. using one column gives us a pandas series, while using multiple columns gives a dataframe. we only need a pair of square braces for accessing columns
- to access particular rows, we can use loc / iloc
- e.g. our data is indexed using country name. we can access the data for a particular country using loc. output format i believe is a series, where the labels are the column names
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happiness # Healthy life expectancy Freedom to make life choices # Country name # Afghanistan 52.493 0.382 # Albania 68.999 0.785 # Algeria 66.005 0.480 # Argentina 69.000 0.828 happiness.loc["Yemen"] # Healthy life expectancy 57.122 # Freedom to make life choices 0.602
- just like when accessing columns, if we use an additional pair of square braces, we start getting a dataframe instead
1 2 3 4 5
happiness.loc[["Yemen"]] # Healthy life expectancy Freedom to make life choices # Country name # Yemen 57.122 0.602
- we can also use slicing with loc - e.g. get all the rows between denmark to france. note - remember to sort using index first for this to work properly
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happiness.sort_index(inplace=True) happiness.loc["Denmark" : "France"] # Healthy life expectancy Freedom to make life choices # Country name # Denmark 72.700 0.946 # Ecuador 68.800 0.842 # Egypt 61.998 0.749 # Finland 72.000 0.949 # France 74.000 0.822
- iloc - access rows using integer position-based indexing
- e.g. i want the 20th country alphabetically - i may not know what it is. i can however access it using iloc. again, i get back a series
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happiness.iloc[19] # Healthy life expectancy 62.000 # Freedom to make life choices 0.959
- e.g. if i wanted the 1st 3rd and 5th countries, i add an additional pair of square braces, and again, get back a dataframe this time around -
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happiness.iloc[[0, 2, 4]] # Healthy life expectancy Freedom to make life choices # Country name # Afghanistan 52.493 0.382 # Algeria 66.005 0.480 # Armenia 67.055 0.825
- finally, again with iloc, we can also use slicing. we will use integer positions, where we can specify start, end and optionally a step
- so, loc uses values of index, iloc uses numeric position
- again, we can use both loc and iloc on series as well
- carefully look at the three steps we follow below for filtering - we can use a column to get a series, we generate a boolean series from it by using conditions, and finally we get the rows that hold true for the corresponding position in the boolean series
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df # name sex age # 0 Allen, Miss. Elisabeth Walton female 29 # 1 Allison, Master. Hudson Trevor male 0.9167 # 2 Allison, Miss. Helen Loraine female 2 df['sex'] # 0 female # 1 male # 2 female df['sex'] == 'female' # 0 True # 1 False # 2 True df[df['sex'] == 'female'] # name sex age # 0 Allen, Miss. Elisabeth Walton female 29 # 2 Allison, Miss. Helen Loraine female 2
- we saw
above. we can also use the other comparison operators like!=
, etc1 2 3 4 5 6 7
houses[houses['price'] > 5000000] # id date price bedrooms bathrooms # 1164 1247600105 20141020T000000 5110800.0 5 5.25 # 3914 9808700762 20140611T000000 7062500.0 5 4.50 # 7252 6762700020 20141013T000000 7700000.0 6 8.00 # 9254 9208900037 20140919T000000 6885000.0 6 7.75
- series have a method called between which we can use. e.g. find houses with bedrooms in the range 5 to 7 -
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houses[houses['bedrooms'].between(5, 7)].value_counts('bedrooms') # bedrooms # 5 1601 # 6 272 # 7 38
- we can use isin, e.g. find netflix movies in india or south korea -
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netflix[netflix['country'].isin(['India', 'South Korea'])].value_counts('country') # country # India 972 # South Korea 199
- we can combine conditions using boolean operators -
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women = titanic['sex'] == 'female' died = titanic['survived'] == 0 titanic[women & died] # sex survived pclass cabin # 2 female 0 1 C22 C26 # 4 female 0 1 C22 C26 # 105 female 0 1 A29
- note - doing it in one line - do not forget parentheses, otherwise python cannot parse it correctly due to priority -
titanic[(titanic['sex'] == 'female') & (titanic['survived'] == 0)]
- similarly, we can use
for or,~
for negation - isna - returns true for rows where the column is missing a value -
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netflix[netflix['director'].isna()] # show_id type title director # 1 s2 TV Show Blood & Water NaN # 3 s4 TV Show Jailbirds New Orleans NaN # 4 s5 TV Show Kota Factory NaN # 10 s11 TV Show Vendetta: Truth, Lies and The Mafia NaN # 14 s15 TV Show Crime Stories: India Detectives NaN
- my understanding - everywhere above, we are trying to filter using a column value. we can use the index as well though - recall - we saw in series that we can access the labels using index. my understanding - the point is, whatever we did using
, can be done usingdataframe.index
as well -1
countries[countries.index != 'Denmark']
Modifying Columns and Indices
- dropping columns - we use the drop method. we need to specify the columns to drop, and the axis. the same drop method can be used to drop rows as well, hence we need to specify the axis. axis can be set to -
- 0 / index to drop rows
- 1 / columns to drop columns
bitcoin.drop(labels=['Name', 'Symbol'], axis='columns')
- another way to do this is to just pass in the columns parameter directly, instead of passing in labels and axis
bitcoin.drop(columns=['Name', 'Symbol'])
- till now, we saw dropping columns. we can also drop rows using one of the following ways -
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# method 1 countries.drop(labels=['Denmark', 'Finland', 'Iceland'], axis='index') # method 2 - shorthand and my favorite of the three countries.drop(index=['Denmark', 'Finland', 'Iceland']) # method 3 - it is the first positional argument # so we can skip providing the "index" kwarg countries.drop(['Denmark', 'Finland', 'Iceland'])
- drop all countries except the first 10. we can pass an index series as well
- creating a new column with a constant value -
titanic['constant'] = 'something'
- creating a new column with dynamic values -
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# number of relatives = number of parents and children + number of siblings and spouses titanic["relatives"] = titanic["parch"] + titanic["sibsp"]
- renaming columns - i think the arguments are similar to drop - instead of labels and axis, we pass mapper and axis
1 2 3 4
mapper = { 'Regional indicator': 'regional_indicator', 'Ladder score': 'ladder_score' } countries.rename(mapper=mapper, axis='columns') countries.rename(columns=mapper)
- similarly, we can rename indices -
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mapper = { 'Netherlands': 'the_netherlands' } countries.rename(mapper=mapper, axis='index') countries.rename(index=mapper) countries.rename(mapper)
- a complex problem - find the show called “Evil”, and change its index label to s6666 inplace
1 2
evil_index = netflix[netflix['title'] == 'Evil'].index[0] netflix.rename(index={ evil_index: 's6666' }, inplace=True)
Updating Values
- my understanding - we have already seen tricks to change column names / index names using rename. now we look at replace - the way of renaming the actual values inside
- we can use replace as follows. again, it is not in place by default, so we need to pass true for in place explicitly
titanic.replace({'sex': { 'female': 'F', 'male': 'M' }}, inplace=True)
- this method is supported for series as well and not just dataframes. so, we can use the technique below as well -
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titanic['sex'] = titanic['sex'].replace({ 'female': 'F', 'male': 'M' }) # OR titanic['sex'].replace({ 'female': 'F', 'male': 'M' }, inplace=True)
- in the titanic dataset, all unknown values in the age column hold
. we can replace them with none. note the use of dropna in value counts, i do not think this was mentioned earlier1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
titanic.value_counts('age') # age # ? 263 # 24 47 # ... titanic.replace({ 'age': { '?': None } }, inplace=True) titanic.value_counts('age', dropna=False) # age # NaN 263 # 24 47 # ...
- we can use replace when all values that match “x” in a column “a” need to be replaced
- but imagine i want to replace values in a column “a”, but only for specific rows -
- we know the indices of the rows
- we have a filtering condition to filter the desired rows
- we can use loc for both use cases above
countries.loc[['Denmark', 'Sweden', 'Norway'], ['Regional indicator']] = 'Scandinavia'
- setting multiple columns to a single value -
countries.loc[['Finland', 'Denmark'], ['upperwhisker', 'lowerwhisker']] = 4.5
- setting multiple columns, each to its own specific value -
countries.loc[['Finland', 'Denmark'], ['upperwhisker', 'lowerwhisker']] = [4.5, 2.8]
- till now, even in here, we have tied accessing rows whose indices we know
- however, loc can be passed the boolean pandas series we saw in filtering as well -
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houses.loc[houses['bedrooms'] >= 10] # id date price bedrooms bathrooms # 8757 1773100755 20140821T000000 520000.0 11 3.00 # 13314 627300145 20140814T000000 1148000.0 10 5.25 # 15161 5566100170 20141029T000000 650000.0 10 2.00 # 15870 2402100895 20140625T000000 640000.0 33 1.75
- advantage of the above - we can now conditionally update certain rows. we have already seen how to update rows using loc, and we know how to filter rows based on conditions
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houses.loc[houses['bedrooms'] >= 10, ['bedrooms']] = 9999 houses.loc[houses['bedrooms'] == 9999] # id date price bedrooms bathrooms # 8757 1773100755 20140821T000000 520000.0 9999 3.00 # 13314 627300145 20140814T000000 1148000.0 9999 5.25 # 15161 5566100170 20141029T000000 650000.0 9999 2.00 # 15870 2402100895 20140625T000000 640000.0 9999 1.75
- a complex problem - add a new column ‘luxurious’ - set it to ‘yes’ for houses with grade > 12 and view = 4, and set it to ‘no’ for others -
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good_view = houses['view'] == 4 good_quality = houses['grade'] > 12 houses[good_view & good_quality] # price view grade # 9254 6885000.0 4 13 # 14556 2888000.0 4 13 # 19017 3800000.0 4 13 houses['luxurious'] = 'no' houses.loc[good_view & good_quality, ['luxurious']] = 'yes' houses[houses['luxurious'] == 'yes'] # price view grade luxurious # 9254 6885000.0 4 13 yes # 14556 2888000.0 4 13 yes # 19017 3800000.0 4 13 yes
Data Types
- we have a dataset that holds
for columns for missing values in the csv1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
titanic.info() # # Column Non-Null Count Dtype #--- ------ -------------- ----- # 0 pclass 1309 non-null int64 # 1 survived 1309 non-null int64 # 2 name 1309 non-null object # 4 age 1309 non-null object titanic['age'].value_counts() # age # ? 263 # 24 47 # 22 43 # 21 41
- issue - we cannot do things like finding the mean age
- solution - we convert the data type of the age column. first, we replace
with none, then we cast it to type float -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
titanic['age'] = titanic['age'].astype('float') # ValueError: could not convert string to float: '?' titanic['age'] = titanic.replace({ 'age': { '?' : None } }).astype('float') titanic.info() # # Column Non-Null Count Dtype #--- ------ -------------- ----- # 0 pclass 1309 non-null int64 # 1 survived 1309 non-null int64 # 2 name 1309 non-null object # 4 age 1046 non-null float64 titanic['age'].value_counts(dropna=False) # age # NaN 263 # 24.0000 47 # 22.0000 43
- now, we can use numeric functions like for e.g.
- another option - to numeric - it is a more aggressive alternative to the one we saw earlier. earlier, we manually ran replace for all the question marks to be replaced by none, and then did the type conversion from object to float. now, with the below approach, we will say try converting it to numeric, and if you cannot, just put a none in there. the default value of errors is raise i.e. raise an exception when you encounter an error. we typically change it to coerce for getting the behavior we described
titanic['body'] = pd.to_numeric(titanic['body'], errors='coerce')
- category type - useful when a column has a set of finite possible values, e.g. gender
- advantage - less memory usage etc
- by default, this is the situation. specially look at the dtype column and memory usage in the output
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titanic['sex'].value_counts() # sex # male 843 # female 466 titanic.info() # # Column Non-Null Count Dtype # --- ------ -------------- ----- # 3 sex 1309 non-null object # memory usage: 143.3+ KB
- when we manually cast gender to type of category, the output looks like follows. look how the type is now changed and the memory usage too has reduced
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titanic['sex'] = titanic['sex'].astype('category') titanic['sex'].value_counts() # sex # male 843 # female 466 titanic.info() # # Column Non-Null Count Dtype # --- ------ -------------- ----- # 3 sex 1309 non-null category # memory usage: 134.5+ KB titanic['sex'] # 0 female # 1 male # ... # 1307 male # 1308 male # Name: sex, Length: 1309, dtype: category # Categories (2, object): ['female', 'male']
NA Values
- is na - returns true for cells that do not contain a value. can be called on both the dataframe and series. look at the last statement, where we generate a boolean series that represent all rows which contain null for league, and then use it as a filter condition
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game_stats = pd.read_csv('data/game_stats.csv') game_stats # name league points assists rebounds # 0 bob nba 22.0 5.0 10.0 # 1 jessie NaN 10.0 NaN 2.0 # 2 stu euroleague NaN NaN NaN # 3 jackson aba 9.0 NaN 2.0 # 4 timothee NaN 8.0 NaN NaN # 5 steph nba 49.0 8.0 10.0 # 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN game_stats.isna() # name league points assists rebounds # 0 False False False False False # 1 False True False True False # 2 False False True True True # 3 False False False True False # 4 False True False True True # 5 False False False False False # 6 True True True True True game_stats['league'].isna() # 0 False # 1 True # 2 False # 3 False # 4 True # 5 False # 6 True game_stats[game_stats['league'].isna()] # name league points assists rebounds # 1 jessie NaN 10.0 NaN 2.0 # 4 timothee NaN 8.0 NaN NaN # 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
- drop na - dropping rows with missing values. it too creates a new copy unless we specify in place explicitly
- to drop rows where any of the columns hold null, specify the how parameter as any. note - this is also the default i.e. when we call drop na without any parameters
1 2 3 4 5
game_stats.dropna(how='any') # name league points assists rebounds # 0 bob nba 22.0 5.0 10.0 # 5 steph nba 49.0 8.0 10.0
- drop only rows where all the columns hold null - specify the how parameter as all
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
game_stats.dropna(how='all') # name league points assists rebounds # 0 bob nba 22.0 5.0 10.0 # 1 jessie NaN 10.0 NaN 2.0 # 2 stu euroleague NaN NaN NaN # 3 jackson aba 9.0 NaN 2.0 # 4 timothee NaN 8.0 NaN NaN # 5 steph nba 49.0 8.0 10.0
- drop rows where any of the specified columns are not present
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
game_stats.dropna(subset=['points', 'rebounds']) # name league points assists rebounds # 0 bob nba 22.0 5.0 10.0 # 1 jessie NaN 10.0 NaN 2.0 # 3 jackson aba 9.0 NaN 2.0 # 5 steph nba 49.0 8.0 10.0
- finally, we can drop columns as well by setting the axis parameter, e.g. drop all columns where any of the rows contain missing values for it
netflix.dropna(how='any', axis=1)
- note - drop na works for series as well
- we can use fill na to fill the cells missing values with a particular value
- if we call it directly with a value, it would apply to all columns -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
game_stats.fillna(0) # name league points assists rebounds # 0 bob nba 22.0 5.0 10.0 # 1 jessie 0 10.0 0.0 2.0 # 2 stu euroleague 0.0 0.0 0.0 # 3 jackson aba 9.0 0.0 2.0 # 4 timothee 0 8.0 0.0 0.0 # 5 steph nba 49.0 8.0 10.0 # 6 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
- we can however specify specific columns like so -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
game_stats.fillna({ 'points': 10.0, 'assists': 0 }) # name league points assists rebounds # 0 bob nba 22.0 5.0 10.0 # 1 jessie NaN 10.0 0.0 2.0 # 2 stu euroleague NaN 0.0 NaN # 3 jackson aba 9.0 0.0 2.0 # 4 timothee NaN 8.0 0.0 NaN # 5 steph nba 49.0 8.0 10.0 # 6 anonymous NaN NaN 0.0 NaN
- fun exercise - instead of using fill na, use loc for updating values where it is missing
1 2
netflix.loc[netflix['rating'].isna(), 'rating'] = 'TV-MA' netflix.fillna({ 'rating': 'TV-MA' })
- assume we have two columns in a sales table for shipping and billing addresses. we would like to default the shipping address to the billing address wherever shipping address is missing. we can do it as follows -
sales.fillna({ 'shipping_zip': sales['billing_zip'] }, inplace=True)
- my understanding - based on above point, we can specify a series as well for the value, and it will fill using the corresponding value in the series wherever a null is encountered
Dates and Times
- dates an be present in lots different formats - months can be in words or numbers, days can come before months or the other way around, separator can be - or /, etc
- my understanding - the to datetime function does a (mostly) great job at auto detecting the date time format
1 2
pd.to_datetime('31 Dec. 2019') # Timestamp('2019-12-31 00:00:00') pd.to_datetime('12/31/2019') # Timestamp('2019-12-31 00:00:00')
- we can however pass it parameters to configure its behavior as well in case of ambiguity
- e.g. look below how we use day first and year first to get different outputs for the same input -
1 2 3
pd.to_datetime('10-11-12') # Timestamp('2012-10-11 00:00:00') pd.to_datetime('10-11-12', dayfirst=True) # Timestamp('2012-11-10 00:00:00') pd.to_datetime('10-11-12', yearfirst=True, dayfirst=True) # Timestamp('2010-12-11 00:00:00')
- we can use the more powerful format as well. format codes reference
1 2 3 4 5
pd.to_datetime('10-11-12', format='%y-%d-%m') # Timestamp('2010-12-11 00:00:00') meetings = ['Dec 11 2019 Meeting', 'Jan 15 2024 Meeting', 'Mar 7 2024 Meeting'] pd.to_datetime(meetings, format='%b %d %Y Meeting') # DatetimeIndex(['2019-12-11', '2024-01-15', '2024-03-07'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)
- python’s default behavior - try parsing it like a numeric column if possible, else change to object. so, converting a dataframe column to datetime format using astype -
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ufos.info() # ... # 1 city 87888 non-null object # 2 state 82890 non-null object # 3 date_time 86938 non-null object ufos['date_time'] = pd.to_datetime(ufos['date_time']) ufos.info() # ... # 1 city 87888 non-null object # 2 state 82890 non-null object # 3 date_time 86938 non-null datetime64[ns]
- we can also specify the datetime columns upfront while reading a csv, instead of converting it later -
1 2 3 4 5 6
ufos = pd.read_csv('data/nuforc_reports.csv', parse_dates=['date_time']) ufos.info() # ... # 1 city 87888 non-null object # 2 state 82890 non-null object # 3 date_time 86938 non-null datetime64[ns]
- there are also keyword arguments for specifying the datetime format etc in the read csv call, refer documentation
- we can access the date time properties object on the column of type datetime64. we access it using dt. full list of properties available
- e.g. view the top 10 years with the most ufo sightings. we first need to extract just the year from the datetime column, and then, we can chain value counts with nlargest to get the top 10 years
- comparing datetime columns
- notice how we provide strings and pandas can parse it for us automatically. the example below will give us all the ufo sightings since 12am on 22 december, 2019
ufos[ufos['date_time'] > '2019-12-22']
- we already saw how we can access properties on a datetime column. we can use it to perform filtering as well. the example below will give us all sightings where the hour was 2 .i.e. it could have happened at 2.30am, 2.49am etc
ufos[ufos['date_time'].dt.hour == 2.0]
- notice how we provide strings and pandas can parse it for us automatically. the example below will give us all the ufo sightings since 12am on 22 december, 2019
- time deltas - we get this when we subtract two datetime objects. e.g. get the people who waited the longest to report after seeing a ufo
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ufos['posted'] - ufos['date_time'] # 0 9 days 05:17:00 # 1 6 days 05:30:00 # ... # 88123 1 days 02:00:00 # 88124 1 days 02:00:00 # Length: 88125, dtype: timedelta64[ns] (ufos['posted'] - ufos['date_time']).nlargest(5) # 86762 18463 days 00:00:00 # 87145 18353 days 22:30:00 # 721 18314 days 03:00:00 # 1576 18287 days 00:00:00 # 1580 18240 days 08:00:00 # dtype: timedelta64[ns]
- just like in datetime, we can also access properties of time deltas. full list here
- a complex example -
- find the homes sold between may 1st 2014 and may 1st 2015
- create a bar plot showing the total number of sales per month in that period
- the x axis should be in calendar order (1-12)
- we filter to get all houses sold in the time period. then, we extract the month and perform value counts on it. finally, we sort by index i.e. by months since by default, value counts will sort by counts. finally, we plot it
1 2
houses_sold = houses[houses['date'].between('05-01-2014', '05-01-2015')] houses_sold['date'].dt.month.value_counts().sort_index().plot(kind='bar')
- i wanted to get the week of year. i could not access any such property on dt. so, i instead tried to format the date into a string. then, we can use the format codes we mentioned earlier as well
- e.g. create a line plot showing the total number of sales by week of the year number (1-52)
- first we obtain the week number the house was sold in. then, we obtain the value counts for each of the week. then we sort by the index i.e. the week number, because otherwise the x axis of the line plot will not be sorted and look weird - recall that value counts will sort by counts and not index
1 2 3
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) plt.xticks(range(52)) houses['date'].dt.strftime('%V').value_counts().sort_index().plot(kind='line')
- till now, whenever we called plot on pandas series, it was actually calling matplotlib bts
- however, it can have limitations, which is when we might want to interact with matplotlib
- most common way of importing matplotlib -
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- when we do the following, it defaults values on the x axes to be 0, 1, 2, …
plt.plot([2, 6, 2, 4, 8])
- we can specify values for both x and y as follows -
1 2 3
salaries = [20000, 50000, 60000, 100000, 250000, 150000] ages = [20, 25, 30, 32, 45, 65] plt.plot(ages, salaries)
- note - when we call plot in jupyter notebook, before the actual graph, we see a line like this -
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7cd66c249180>]
. this is actually the output of plot, but jupyter is smart enough to show us the output at the back of it as well. we will have to callplt.show()
if we are not working on a jupyter notebook - matplotlib terminology - the top level container is a figure
- a figure can have multiple axes
- each axes is a combination of labels, data, etc
- assume we have the following sample data -
1 2 3
nums = range(6) nums_squared = [num**2 for num in nums] nums_cubed = [num**3 for num in nums]
- when we have the following code, all of them are plotted on the same figure and the same axes
1 2 3
plt.plot(nums) plt.plot(nums_squared) plt.plot(nums_cubed)
- we call figure to create a new figure and make it the current figure. so when we call plot, it basically plots on the current active figure. so, with the code below, all of them are plotted on different figures
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
plt.figure(figsize=(4,3)) plt.plot(nums) plt.figure(figsize=(4,3)) plt.plot(nums_squared) plt.figure(figsize=(4,3)) plt.plot(nums_cubed)
- note how we control the size of a figure in matplotlib - we can pass figsize and dpi or dots per inch to figure. i usually just touch figsize, which defaults to 6.4, 4.8
- we can specify the linestyle when plotting as follows. notice the shorthand at the third call as well
1 2 3
plt.plot(nums, nums, linestyle='dashed') plt.plot(nums, nums_squared, linestyle='dotted') plt.plot(nums, nums_cubed, linestyle='-.')
- when calling plot, we can specify parameters like color, linewidth, etc as well if needed
- we can also specify markers and their styling
plt.plot(nums, nums_cubed, marker='o')
- we can use title to set a title for the axes, and labels to set labels for the x and y axis individually
1 2 3 4
plt.plot(nums, nums_squared) plt.title("Squares of Numbers") plt.xlabel("Input") plt.ylabel("Squares")
- remember - all these methods we see - plot, title, xlabel and ylabel, and others that we see later - also accept a ton of options to control the size, spacing, color, positioning, etc. refer documentation as and when needed
- when we try to plot the below, look at the default graph. notice how on x axis for e.g., matplotlib itself decided that it should start the ticks from 3 etc
1 2 3
nums = [3, 3.5, 4, 7, 9] nums_squared = [num**2 for num in nums] plt.plot(nums, nums_squared, marker='o')
- option 1 - we can add custom ticks using xticks and yticks. it serves two purposes -
- we can only provide the first argument. this controls what ticks should show up
- we can provide the second argument as well. this controls what the actual tick should be named inside the graph
1 2
plt.plot(nums, nums_squared, marker='o') plt.xticks([1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9], ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine'])
- option 2 - we can only modify the limits. e.g. we would like the x axis start from -2 and end at 20 for some reason
1 2
plt.plot(nums, nums_squared, marker='o') plt.xlim(-2, 15)
- legend - helps distinguish between the different graphs using labels when they are on the same axes in the same figure
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nums = [1, 2, 3, 4] nums_squared = [num ** 2 for num in nums] nums_cubed = [num ** 3 for num in nums] plt.plot(nums, nums, label='linear') plt.plot(nums, nums_squared, label='squared') plt.plot(nums, nums_cubed, label='cubed') plt.legend()
- plotting bar charts. assume we have the following data -
1 2 3
plants = ['spinach', 'turnip', 'rhubarb', 'broccoli', 'kale'] died = [10, 25, 5, 30, 21] germinated = [74, 88, 56, 69, 59]
- by default, the different charts would be one on top of another -
1 2
plt.bar(plants, germinated) plt.bar(plants, died)
- this is how i got them to show one beside another -
- i ensured width of the first graph is positive while the second one is negative, so that they appear on either sides of the x tick
- i also ensured they are 0.25% of their actual width, as this ensures the right spacing. if for e.g. i did 0.5, the second bar of a tick will touch the first bar of the next tick
- i set align to edge. this alsigns them to the edge of the tick. the default is center (refer the graph created by default above)
1 2
plt.bar(plants, germinated, width=0.25, align='edge') plt.bar(plants, died, width=-0.25, align='edge')
- bar also receives another keyword argument - bottom
1 2
plt.bar(plants, germinated, bottom=[20, 20, 20, 20, 20]) plt.ylim(0, 120)
- use case of the stupidity above 🤣 - we can get the different bars to stack one on top of another. the y coordinates of one graph becomes the bottom of another
1 2 3
plt.bar(plants, died, bottom=germinated, label='died') plt.bar(plants, germinated, label='germinated') plt.legend()
- we can use barh instead of bar for horizontal bar graphs. notice how for stacking, the bottom changes to left
1 2 3
plt.barh(plants, died, left=germinated, label='died') plt.barh(plants, germinated, label='germinated') plt.legend()
- histogram - assume we have the following data. note - i did a value count to explain the distribution of data -
1 2 3 4
nums = [1,2,2,3,5,4,2,2,1,1,3,4,4,2,1,5,2,3,4,5] { num: nums.count(num) for num in nums } # {1: 4, 2: 6, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 3}
- when i try to create a histogram on this data, it looks as follows by default -
- we can configure the bins as follows. my understanding - 1 and 2 together have frequency of 10, 3 has frequency of 3 while 4 and 5 together have frequency of 7. now, the range has been divided into three parts 1-2.33, 2.33-3.66, 3.66-4.99, and the histogram has been plotted accordingly
plt.hist(nums, bins=3)
- histograms are a little different i feel because unlike pie chart, bar graph, etc where we give the actual values to be plotted, here, we only give a series of values and it autmatically calculates the frequency and bins them accordingly
- a realisitic example - comparing the distribution of ages of people travelling in first class vs third class in the titanic. observation - more younger people were travelling in third class, wheras more older people were travelling in first class. also, note how we change the alpha to visualize them simultaneously
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titanic = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/Python - Basic Data Analysis/titanic.csv') # clean the age column titanic.replace({ 'age': { '?': None } }, inplace=True) titanic['age'] = titanic['age'].astype('float') # extract the ages of first and third class first_class_ages = titanic[titanic['pclass'] == 1]['age'] third_class_ages = titanic[titanic['pclass'] == 3]['age'] # plot the ages plt.hist(first_class_ages, alpha=0.5, label='first') plt.hist(third_class_ages, alpha=0.5, label='third') plt.legend()
- pie charts
- we use the explode parameter to disconnect the sectors from the pie chart. the fraction determines how far out the sectors would be from the pie. the order is the same as the order of the labels
- we use the autopct parameter to add percentages inside the sectors. we are using
here, if we would have used for e.g.autopct='%.2f'
, it would have shown in this form -57.73
(with 2 decimal places and without the%
1 2
plt.pie(costs, labels=labels, autopct='%0.0f%%', explode=(0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0.1)) plt.show()
- subplots - multiple axes in the same figure
- we use subplot to tell the dimensions and the correct subplot index. in the example below, we say 1 row, 3 columns, and go 1, 2 and 3 respectively for the index
- title is used for individual axes headings while suptitle is used for the figure heading
- we call tight layout, as it helps python adjust the padding around subplots
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nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] nums_squared = [num ** 2 for num in nums] nums_cubed = [num ** 3 for num in nums] plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4)) plt.suptitle("Polynomials") plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) plt.title("X") plt.plot(nums, nums) plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) plt.title("X Squared") plt.plot(nums, nums_squared) plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) plt.title("X Cubed") plt.plot(nums, nums_cubed) plt.tight_layout() plt.show()
- now, imagine if we go back to our titanic example, and we want to plot all three classes - first second and third in different subplots -
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titanic = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/Python - Basic Data Analysis/titanic.csv') titanic['age'] = pd.to_numeric(titanic['age'], errors='coerce') first_class_ages = titanic[titanic['pclass'] == 1]['age'] second_class_ages = titanic[titanic['pclass'] == 2]['age'] third_class_ages = titanic[titanic['pclass'] == 3]['age'] plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4)) plt.suptitle('titanic class vs age distribution') plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) plt.title('1st class') plt.hist(first_class_ages) plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) plt.title('2nd class') plt.hist(second_class_ages) plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) plt.title('3rd class') plt.hist(third_class_ages) plt.tight_layout() plt.show()
- issue - we know that the scale in the third vs other plots are different i.e. a lot more people are travelling in the third class than in the 2nd and 1st class. this is not evident right off the bat by looking at the graph. hence, we can specify the sharey parameter
1 2 3 4 5 6
# ... axes = plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) # ... plt.subplot(1, 3, 2, sharey=axes) # ... plt.subplot(1, 3, 3, sharey=axes)
- question - write the code for achieving the below. note - do not use the plot method of pandas series and dataframes
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houses = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/Python - Basic Data Analysis/kc_house_data.csv', parse_dates=['date']) sales_by_month = houses['date'].dt.month.value_counts().sort_index() # date # 1 978 # 2 1250 # 3 1875 # 4 2231 # 5 2414 # 6 2180 # 7 2211 # 8 1940 # 9 1774 # 10 1878 # 11 1411 # 12 1471 sales_by_week_day = houses['date'].dt.day_of_week.value_counts().sort_index() # date # 0 4099 # 1 4715 # 2 4603 # 3 3994 # 4 3685 # 5 287 # 6 230 plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) week_days = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thurs', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'] plt.title('Sales by Week Day') plt.xticks(sales_by_week_day.index, week_days) plt.bar(sales_by_week_day.index, sales_by_week_day.values) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.xticks(range(1, 13)) plt.title('Sales by Month') plt.plot(sales_by_month.index, sales_by_month.values) plt.tight_layout() plt.show()
- note how we use index and values that we disccussed here
- we also had to sort by index first before beginning to plot, because value counts sorts by values by default
- notice the use of xticks for renaming the labels for weekdays. i had to do the same thing for months as well, otherwise the default was 2, 4, 6, 8…
Maptlotlip + Pandas
- plotting a pandas series
- plotting a pandas dataframe - note how it is making a bar for all columns automatically
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
house_area # sqft_living sqft_lot # 12777 13540 307752 # 7252 12050 27600 # 3914 10040 37325 # 9254 9890 31374 # 8092 9640 13068 house_area.plot(kind='bar')
- ufo sightings by month - we use this series in the next few points, and this is what our data looks like -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
ufo_sightings_by_month # 1.0 5979 # 2.0 4559 # 3.0 5494 # 4.0 5817 # 5.0 6063 # 6.0 8357 # 7.0 10682 # 8.0 8997 # 9.0 8498 # 10.0 8371 # 11.0 7596 # 12.0 6525
- for providing parameters like title, we have two options -
- option 1 - in the same line. disadvantage - lesser options to configure styling etc
ufo_sightings_by_month.plot(kind='bar', title='UFO Sightings by Month', xlabel='month', ylabel='num. of sightings')
- option 2 - i think the central idea is instead of interacting only with pandas plot api, we mix with calls to matplotlib apis directly like we saw in matplotlib. advantage - now, we can configure styling etc
1 2 3 4 5
ufo_sightings_by_month.plot(kind='bar') plt.title('UFO Sightings by Month') plt.xlabel('month') plt.ylabel('num. of sightings')
- option 1 - in the same line. disadvantage - lesser options to configure styling etc
- now, we would like to use months abbreviations instead. we have multiple options -
- option 1 - use rename to rename indices
1 2 3 4 5
months_lookup = { idx + 1: months[idx] for idx in range(12) } # {1: 'Jan', 2: 'Feb', 3: 'Mar', 4: 'Apr', 5: 'May', 6: 'Jun', 7: 'Jul', 8: 'Aug', 9: 'Sep', 10: 'Oct', 11: 'Nov', 12: 'Dec'} ufo_sightings_by_month_abbrev = ufo_sightings_by_month.rename(index=months_lookup) ufo_sightings_by_month_abbrev.plot(kind='bar', title='UFO Sightings by Month')
- option 2 - use xticks. this is useful if we just want to modify plots but it might make testing etc difficult
1 2
ufo_sightings_by_month.plot(kind='bar', title='UFO Sightings by Month') plt.xticks(range(12), labels=months)
- option 1 - use rename to rename indices
- by default, bar charts for dataframes looks as follows. understand that pandas is coming with reasonable defaults and helpers. there was so much effort was required from our end when doing this manually using matplotlib - specifying labels and legends, specifying the align property with a negative width, etc
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salaries # BasePay OvertimePay OtherPay # EmployeeName # NATHANIEL FORD 167411.18 0.00 400184.25 # GARY JIMENEZ 155966.02 245131.88 137811.38 # ALBERT PARDINI 212739.13 106088.18 16452.60 # CHRISTOPHER CHONG 77916.00 56120.71 198306.90 salaries.plot(kind='barh')
- making a stacked version too is so much easier compared to doing it via matplotlib manually by specifying bottom / left etc
salaries.plot(kind='barh', stacked=True)
- the usual way -
. it creates all graphs in the same axes1
- calling
directly. it creates different axes for the different columns - feels like subplots1
- box plot - this too helps visualize distribution of values like histogram. summary according to me, might be wrong -
- we have a line at the median (the green line)
- the general distribution of data lies between the two whiskers (the two standalone blue lines)
- the fliers depict the outliers (the circles). e.g. one house had 33 or so bedrooms, so look at the boxplot
- we can view the list of configuration parameters here. e.g. we can disable the fliers
houses[['bedrooms', 'bathrooms']].plot(kind='box', showfliers=False)
- scatter plot - how different variables, e.g. bedrooms and bathrooms correlate to eachother. refer this for different configuration options
houses.plot(kind='scatter', x='bedrooms', y='bathrooms', marker='x', c='#2ca02c')
- adding multiple graphs to the same axes on the same figure - same as we saw in matplotlib i.e. we need to call figure on plt for creating a new figure, else the current active figure is used
- e.g. - ufo sightings have a shape attribute. find the 5 most common shapes, and plot them on the same axes. use a legend to differentiate between them. plot them for the range 2000-2018
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
common_shapes = ufos['shape'].value_counts().nlargest(5) for common_shape in common_shapes.index: years = ufos[ufos['shape'] == common_shape]['date_time'].dt.year years.value_counts().sort_index().plot(kind='line', label=common_shape) plt.legend() plt.xlim(2000, 2018) plt.title('UFO Sightings by Shape (2000-2018)')
- e.g. plot how blinding lights performed on the charts. note how we can specify the x and y attributes when plotting dataframes. also, note how we can invert the y axis - a rank is better when lower, and we want to show a higher rank using a peak / lower rank using a trench
1 2 3 4 5 6
billboard_charts = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/Python - Basic Data Analysis/billboard_charts.csv', parse_dates=['date']) blinding_lights = billboard_charts[billboard_charts['song'] == 'Blinding Lights'] blinding_lights.plot(y='rank', x='date') plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.title('Blinding Lights Chart Performance')
- when we try plotting a dataframe, the different columns would be plotted on the same axes by default
- we can create subplots instead just by passing in keyword arguments
salaries.plot(kind='hist', subplots=True)
- we can configure other parameters like layout (the dimensions), sharex / sharey, etc as well, already discussed in matplotlib
1 2
salaries.plot(kind='hist', subplots=True, layout=(1, 3), figsize=(20, 5), sharex=True, bins=30) plt.tight_layout()
- note, my understanding - the above method of passing in true for the subplots keyword argument works because we wanted to plot the different columns of the same dataframe. what if we wanted to plot entirely different series etc on the same figure on different axes. we use a combination of interacting with matplotlib apis directly and through pandas apis. apis used -
- subplots can be called for setting the dimensions of the subplot, setting figure size, etc. it returns both the figure and the axes created in the process. the axes we receive has the same rows / columns as the dimensions we specify. note that parameters like
can be passed into this subplots call as well - note how we pass in axes argument to plot of pandas series / dataframe
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months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(15, 10)) data_2000 = ufos[ufos['date_time'].dt.year == 2000]['date_time'].dt.month.value_counts().sort_index() data_2000.plot(kind='barh', ax=axes[0][0], ylabel='', title=2000) axes[0][0].set_yticks(range(12), labels=months) data_2001 = ufos[ufos['date_time'].dt.year == 2001]['date_time'].dt.month.value_counts().sort_index() data_2001.plot(kind='barh', ax=axes[0][1], ylabel='', title=2001) axes[0][1].set_yticks(range(12), labels=months) data_2002 = ufos[ufos['date_time'].dt.year == 2002]['date_time'].dt.month.value_counts().sort_index() data_2002.plot(kind='barh', ax=axes[0][2], ylabel='', title=2002) axes[0][2].set_yticks(range(12), labels=months) data_2003 = ufos[ufos['date_time'].dt.year == 2003]['date_time'].dt.month.value_counts().sort_index() data_2003.plot(kind='barh', ax=axes[1][0], ylabel='', title=2003) axes[1][0].set_yticks(range(12), labels=months) data_2004 = ufos[ufos['date_time'].dt.year == 2004]['date_time'].dt.month.value_counts().sort_index() data_2004.plot(kind='barh', ax=axes[1][1], ylabel='', title=2004) axes[1][1].set_yticks(range(12), labels=months) data_2005 = ufos[ufos['date_time'].dt.year == 2005]['date_time'].dt.month.value_counts().sort_index() data_2005.plot(kind='barh', ax=axes[1][2], ylabel='', title=2005) axes[1][2].set_yticks(range(12), labels=months) plt.suptitle(f'UFO Sightings by Months (2000-2005)') plt.tight_layout()
- subplots can be called for setting the dimensions of the subplot, setting figure size, etc. it returns both the figure and the axes created in the process. the axes we receive has the same rows / columns as the dimensions we specify. note that parameters like
- for e.g. reproduce the graph below -
- this time around, there is just one axes. so, we can call set xticks, set title, etc on this one axes itelf
- again, since this is ranks of songs, we invert the y axis
- the labels on x axes was another challenge here, but easy when using xticks
- pandas, matplotlib, etc are smart enough to understand dates even if we specify them like strings - note how we specify strings for dates when using in between and setting xticks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
years = [2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020] christmases = [f'{year}-12-25' for year in years] # ['2016-12-25', '2017-12-25', '2018-12-25', '2019-12-25', '2020-12-25'] songs = [ { 'song': 'All I Want For Christmas Is You', 'artist': 'Mariah Carey' }, { 'song': 'Rockin\' Around The Christmas Tree', 'artist': 'Brenda Lee' }, { 'song': 'Jingle Bell Rock', 'artist': 'Bobby Helms' } ] period = billboard_charts['date'].between(christmases[0], christmases[-1]) _, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 7)) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() years = [2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020] christmas_values = [pd.to_datetime(f'12-25-{year}') for year in years] christmas_labels = [f'Xmas {year}' for year in years] axes.set_xticks(christmas_values, christmas_labels) axes.set_title('Christmas Songs on the Hot') for song in songs: condition = (billboard_charts['song'] == song['song']) & (billboard_charts['artist'] == song['artist']) billboard_charts[condition & period].plot(kind='line', x='date', y='rank', ax=axes, label=song['song'], xlabel='') plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.tight_layout() plt.show()
- for saving a figure to a local file, use
Grouping and Aggregation
- assume i have data for stocks of different cars like below -
1 2 3 4 5 6
car_stocks # Symbol Date Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume # 0 RIVN 2021-11-10 106.750000 119.459999 95.199997 100.730003 100.730003 103679500 # 1 RIVN 2021-11-11 114.625000 125.000000 108.010002 122.989998 122.989998 83668200 # 2 RIVN 2021-11-12 128.645004 135.199997 125.250000 129.949997 129.949997 50437500
- to get the mean of a particular stock, i can do the following -
car_stocks[car_stocks['Symbol'] == 'RIVN']['Close'].mean() # 127.523
- but what if i wanted the mean of all of the stocks individually in a dataframe? i can do it as follows
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
car_stocks.groupby('Symbol')['Close'].mean() # Symbol # GM 62.164615 # LCID 49.829231 # RIVN 127.523077 # Name: Close, dtype: float64
- notice how groupby gives us a pandas data frame group by object
1 2 3
car_stocks.groupby('Symbol') # <pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x77f885d61a90>
- we can call ngroups to see the number of groups -
car_stocks.groupby('Symbol').ngroups # 3
- we can call groups to see the actual groups. it is a dictionary, where the keys are the actual keys we used to group, while the values are the indices of the rows
1 2 3 4 5
car_stocks.groupby('Symbol').groups # {'GM': [26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38], # 'LCID': [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25], # 'RIVN': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]}
- iterating over the dataframe group by object using a for each group - we get back a tuple of the form group name, dataframe. ofcourse, the dataframe only contains rows belonging to the group. the columns used in the group by clause would not be present in the dataframe. use case - useful when the aggregation functions available to us by default are not enough, and we want to run some custom functionality
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for name, group in car_stocks.groupby('Symbol'): print(name) print('--------------------') print(group[['Low', 'High']].describe()) print('\n') # GM # -------------------- # Low High # mean 61.051539 63.129231 # min 57.730000 60.560001 # max 62.630001 65.180000 # # # LCID # -------------------- # Low High # mean 46.442539 51.811538 # min 39.341000 45.000000 # max 50.709999 57.750000 # # # RIVN # -------------------- # Low High # mean 119.150000 135.309230 # min 95.199997 114.500000 # max 153.779999 179.470001
- when we tried calculating the mean of the closing price earlier -
- when we did
, we got back a dataframe group by object - when we added a
, we got back a series group by object - we finally called
to get back the mean of closing price for each symbol (i.e. stock)
- when we did
- if we would have called mean on the dataframe group by object directly, we would have gotten back a dataframe -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
car_stocks.groupby('Symbol').mean() # Open High Low # Symbol # GM 61.937693 63.129231 61.051539 # LCID 48.761538 51.811538 46.442539 # RIVN 127.710000 135.309230 119.150000
- split, apply, combine - this is a workflow. going back to the closing price mean by stock example -
- we split into different parts - e.g. forming groups using groupby
- we then apply a function on each of the parts - e.g. performing a mean on each of these groups individually
- we finally combine the results from each of these parts - we get back a series containing means for each of the group
- we can also run multiple aggregation functions at once - below, we run it on both dataframe group by object and series group by object. running it on the dataframe group by object results in hierarchical columns -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
car_stocks.groupby('Symbol')['Close'].agg(['mean', 'min', 'max']) # mean min max # Symbol # GM 62.164615 59.270000 64.610001 # LCID 49.829231 40.750000 55.520000 # RIVN 127.523077 100.730003 172.009995 car_stocks.groupby('Symbol').agg(['mean', 'min', 'max']) # Open High Low # mean min max mean min max mean min max # Symbol # GM 61.937693 57.849998 64.330002 63.129231 60.560001 65.180000 61.051539 57.730000 62.630001 # LCID 48.761538 42.299999 56.200001 51.811538 45.000000 57.750000 46.442539 39.341000 50.709999 # RIVN 127.710000 106.750000 163.800003 135.309230 114.500000 179.470001 119.150000 95.199997 153.779999
- we can go more granular as well - we can run specific aggregation functions for specific columns as well -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
car_stocks.groupby('Symbol').agg({ 'Open': ['min', 'max'], 'Close': ['mean'] }) # Open Close # min max mean # Symbol # GM 57.849998 64.330002 62.164615 # LCID 42.299999 56.200001 49.829231 # RIVN 106.750000 163.800003 127.523077
- we can provide custom functions to agg as well - understand that this could very well have been a function from a library, and we would just have to pass its reference -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
def range(x): return x.max() - x.min() car_stocks.groupby('Symbol')['Open'].agg(range) # Symbol # GM 6.480004 # LCID 13.900002 # RIVN 57.050003
- x is a pandas series, and range is called for every group - for all open prices for a particular stock, one at a time
- another example - this time, our custom aggregation function is called for multiple attributes, but everything is still the same. just that the output changes from a series to a dataframe, but the aggregation function is still called on a per attribute, per group basis
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def count_nulls(x): return len(x) - x.count() titanic.groupby('pclass').agg(count_nulls) # survived age sex # pclass # 1 0 39 0 # 2 0 16 0 # 3 0 208 0
- named aggregations - we just saw nested columns above, when we try to do multiple aggregations on multiple columns at once. this can make accessing data more complicated, since we would have to use hierarchical columns. in general, we might want to give a custom name to the result of our aggregation. we can do so using named aggregations -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
car_stocks.groupby('Symbol').agg( close_avg=('Close', 'mean'), close_max=('Close', 'max'), ) # close_avg close_max # Symbol # GM 62.164615 64.610001 # LCID 49.829231 55.520000 # RIVN 127.523077 172.009995
- example - we have statisctics on a per player basis for laliga, having columns for team name, shots taken, shots on target
- we would like to generate the plot below - x axis of the plot is shared
- generating the relevant data -
- first, we find total shots and shots on target by a team
- for this, we group by team, and perform sum aggregations for shots and shots on target
- we calculate accuracy using these two
- finally, we sort the data based on accuracy
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team_stats = laliga.groupby('Team').agg( total=('Shots', 'sum'), on_target=('Shots on target', 'sum') ) team_stats['accuracy'] = team_stats['on_target'] / team_stats['total'] team_stats.sort_values(['accuracy'], inplace=True) team_stats # total on_target accuracy # Team # SD Eibar 422 153 0.362559 # D. Alavés 299 109 0.364548 # CD Leganés 334 132 0.395210 # R. Valladolid CF 319 131 0.410658 # SD Huesca 343 142 0.413994
- generating the plot -
- most accurate teams - top 5 rows, least accurate teams - bottom 5. use head and tail to obtain them
- we have entirely different pandas plots that we would like to plot on the same figure on different axes. so, we use subplots. subplots can apart from dimensions, receive the sharex parameter
- note how we pass the axes received from subplots to plot
- we can set the xticks on (any) axes i guess
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True) team_stats.tail(5).plot(kind='barh', y='accuracy', ax=axes[0], legend=False, title='Most Accurate Teams', color='green') team_stats.head(5).plot(kind='barh', y='accuracy', ax=axes[1], legend=False, title='Least Accurate Teams', color='red') axes[0].set_xticks([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]) plt.tight_layout()
- we discuss hierarchical indexing next, but we can group by levels of hierarchical indices as well. we need to specify the levels keyword argument for that
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state_pops # population # state year # AK 1990 553290.0 # 1991 570193.0 # 1992 588736.0 # ... ... ... # WY 2009 559851.0 # 2010 564222.0 # 2011 567329.0 state_pops.groupby(level=['year']).sum() # year # 1990 499245628.0 # 1991 505961884.0 # ... # 2012 631398915.0 # 2013 635872764.0
- note - we specify name in this case, but we could have specified the level - 0, 1 etc as well
- if we see, the components of the hierarchical index are named, so specifying their names directly without the level keyword argument inside of groupby would have worked as well
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
state_pops.groupby('year').sum() # year # 1990 499245628.0 # 1991 505961884.0 # ... # 2012 631398915.0 # 2013 635872764.0
- summary -
- we saw grouping using attributes by now
- but then we might want to group by index / components of hierachical index as well
- hence we could use the level keyword argument
- but then, we could use the same syntax as attributes for indices as well i.e. omit the level keyword argument
Hierarchical Indexing
- also called multi indexing
- when we group by a single column, we get the following result -
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mean_by_sex = titanic.groupby('sex')['age'].mean() mean_by_sex.index # Index(['female', 'male'], dtype='object', name='sex') mean_by_sex # sex # female 28.687071 # male 30.585233
- however, when we group by multiple columns, we get the following result -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
mean_by_pclass_and_sex = titanic.groupby(['pclass', 'sex'])['age'].mean() mean_by_pclass_and_sex.index # MultiIndex([(1, 'female'), # (1, 'male'), # (2, 'female'), # (2, 'male'), # (3, 'female'), # (3, 'male')], # names=['pclass', 'sex']) mean_by_pclass_and_sex # pclass sex # 1 female 37.037594 # male 41.029250 # 2 female 27.499191 # male 30.815401 # 3 female 22.185307 # male 25.962273
- so, labels instead of being a plain index are now multi index
- above, we showed a multi index with a series, below is an example of a multi index with a dataframe. the index in this case is the same as the one we got when doing a mean of age, only the entire data structure changes from a series to a dataframe
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titanic.groupby(['pclass', 'sex']).mean(numeric_only=True) # survived age sibsp parch fare # pclass sex # 1 female 0.965278 37.037594 0.555556 0.472222 37.037594 # male 0.340782 41.029250 0.340782 0.279330 41.029250 # 2 female 0.886792 27.499191 0.500000 0.650943 27.499191 # male 0.146199 30.815401 0.327485 0.192982 30.815401 # 3 female 0.490741 22.185307 0.791667 0.731481 22.185307 # male 0.152130 25.962273 0.470588 0.255578 25.962273
- typically when seting up an index, we want it to -
- be unique - having the same index for multiple rows in a dataframe does not give an error. but, it is typically not advisable - e.g. loc would give us multiple rows
- make our data easily accessible - use for e.g. semantic index / natural key
- imagine we have the following dataframe -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
state_pops = pd.read_csv('data/state_pops.csv') state_pops # state year population # 0 AL 2012 4817528.0 # 1 AL 2010 4785570.0 # ... ... ... ... # 1270 USA 2011 311582564.0 # 1271 USA 2012 313873685.0
- we can set up a custom hierarchical index for this dataset
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
state_pops.set_index(['state', 'year'], inplace=True) state_pops # population # state year # AL 2012 4817528.0 # 2010 4785570.0 # 2011 4801627.0 # USA 2013 316128839.0 # 2009 306771529.0 # 2010 309326295.0
- if we try sorting the index, by default, the data is sorted in the order of levels - e.g. the data is sorted first by state, and for a state, the rows are sorted by years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
state_pops.sort_index() # population # state year # AK 1990 553290.0 # 1991 570193.0 # 1992 588736.0 # WY 2009 559851.0 # 2010 564222.0 # 2011 567329.0
- assume we want to sort the data by years only. so, all the data for the lowest year should come first and so on. we can do the below -
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state_pops.sort_index(level=1) # population # state year # AK 1990 553290.0 # AL 1990 4050055.0 # ... ... ... # WV 2013 1854304.0 # WY 2013 582658.0
- finally, assume we would like to sort in ascending order of state but then descending order of year. we can do the below -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
state_pops.sort_index(level=[0, 1], ascending=[True, False]) # population # state year # AK 2013 735132.0 # 2012 730307.0 # ... ... ... # WY 1994 480283.0 # 1993 473081.0
- finally - we were using numbers for levels till now, but names are supported as well - e.g. we can use
state_pops.sort_index(level=['year'], inplace=True)
- indexing - behavior around slicing etc is pretty similar to what we studied here, just that we need to be wary of levels
- accessing by the first level only - we get back a dataframe, and not a series
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
state_pops.loc['WY'] # population # year # 1990 453690.0 # 1991 459260.0 # 1992 466251.0
- accessing by all levels - we get back a series, where the indices are the columns. we need to provide a tuple with the values for all the levels.
1 2 3
state_pops.loc[('WY', 2013)] # population 582658.0
- note - we can still use slicing etc when using tuples -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
state_pops.loc[('WY', 2010) : ('WY', 2013)] # population # state year # WY 2010 564222.0 # 2011 567329.0 # 2012 576626.0 # 2013 582658.0
- till now, we saw accessing using the 1st level and all levels. what if we would like to access using some intermediate level(s)?
- first, recall from updating, if we have a normal dataframe without the hierarchical indexing, we would use loc as follows (remember that
by itself means everything - all indices / all columns depending on where it is used) -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
titanic # pclass survived # 0 1 1 # 1 1 1 # 2 1 0 titanic.loc[:, 'pclass'] # 0 1 # 1 1 # 2 1 titanic.loc[:, ['pclass']] # pclass # 0 1 # 1 1 # 2 1 titanic.loc[:, :] # pclass survived # 0 1 1 # 1 1 1 # 2 1 0
- so, extending on the above for a dataframe with hierarchical indexing, my understanding is we will need extra commas for the extra levels. so, back to our original question of how to access using selective levels when we have hierarchical indexing - we can for e.g. just use
for the levels for which we want everything, and specify singular values usinga
, specify ranges likea:b
, specify selected values using[a,b]
etc based on use case1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
state_pops.loc[:,:,] # population # state year # AK 1990 553290.0 # 1991 570193.0 # ... ... ... # WY 2009 559851.0 # 2010 564222.0 # since we specify only one year # pandas would eliminate this column altogether state_pops.loc[:,2010,:] # population # state # AK 713868.0 # AL 4785570.0 # AR 2922280.0 # AZ 6408790.0 # CA 37333601.0 # CO 5048196.0 state_pops.loc[:,[2010,2013],:] # population # state year # AK 2010 713868.0 # 2013 735132.0 # AL 2010 4785570.0 # 2013 4833722.0 # ... ... ... # WV 2010 1854146.0 # 2013 1854304.0 # WY 2010 564222.0 # 2013 582658.0 state_pops.loc[:,2010:2012,:] # population # state year # AK 2010 713868.0 # 2011 723375.0 # 2012 730307.0 # AL 2010 4785570.0 # 2011 4801627.0 # ... ... ... # WV 2011 1855184.0 # 2012 1856680.0 # WY 2010 564222.0 # 2011 567329.0 # 2012 576626.0
- cross section or
is another useful alternative to the loc syntax when using hierarhcical indexing. i will stick to loc for now though
Accessing Hierachical Index Values
- for accessing all values of a column, we use the syntax
, but this would not work for index column(s) - to access the values of an index when a dataframe does not have hierarchical indexing, we use
- what if we wanted to access the components of a hierarchical index? assume our dataframe looks like this -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
# population # state year # AK 1990 553290.0 # 1991 570193.0 # 1992 588736.0 # ... ... ... # WY 2009 559851.0 # 2010 564222.0 # 2011 567329.0
- to access the index values of a particular position, we can use the following -
1 2 3
state_pops.index[0] # ('AK', 1990) state_pops.index[1] # ('AK', 1991) state_pops.index[2] # ('AK', 1992)
- to access all the index values, we have two options according too my understanding -
- option 1 - access via the levels property. but, it will only have the unique values - it would not be an accurate representation of our data
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
state_pops.index.levels # FrozenList([['AK', 'AL', 'AR', 'AZ', 'CA', 'CO', 'CT', 'DC', 'DE', 'FL', 'GA', 'HI', 'VT', 'WA', 'WI', 'WV', 'WY'], # [1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013]] state_pops.index.levels[0] # Index(['AK', 'AL', 'AR', 'AZ', 'CA', 'CO', 'CT', 'DC', 'DE', 'FL', 'GA', 'HI', # 'VT', 'WA', 'WI', 'WV', 'WY'] state_pops.index.levels[1] # Index([1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, # 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013],
- option 2 - accessing via get level values. usecase - recall how we performed filtering using column attributes -
df[df['col'] > 500]
. we can do the same when using option 2. our conditions will look like this now -df[df.index.get_level_values(1) > 500]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
state_pops.index.get_level_values(0) # Index(['AK', 'AK', 'AK', 'AK', 'AK', 'AK', 'AK', 'AK', 'AK', 'AK', # ... # 'WY', 'WY', 'WY', 'WY', 'WY', 'WY', 'WY', 'WY', 'WY', 'WY'], state_pops.index.get_level_values(1)[:50] # Index([1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, # 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, # 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, # 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, # 1990, 1991],
Hierarchical Columns
- we typically work with them when we use groupings and aggregations without for e.g. flattening them using named aggregations. assume we have created the following dataframe -
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titanic_stats = titanic.groupby(['pclass', 'sex']).agg({ 'fare': ['sum', 'mean'], 'age': ['min', 'max', 'mean'] }) titanic_stats # fare age # sum mean min max mean # pclass sex # 1 female 4926.0000 37.037594 2.0000 76.0 37.037594 # male 6195.4167 41.029250 0.9167 80.0 41.029250 # 2 female 2832.4167 27.499191 0.9167 60.0 27.499191 # male 4868.8333 30.815401 0.6667 70.0 30.815401 # 3 female 3372.1667 22.185307 0.1667 63.0 22.185307 # male 9060.8333 25.962273 0.3333 74.0 25.962273
- now, if we try inspecting the columns property of the dataframe, we see the below -
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titanic_stats.columns # MultiIndex([('fare', 'sum'), # ('fare', 'mean'), # ( 'age', 'min'), # ( 'age', 'max'), # ( 'age', 'mean')], # )
- to access the individual columns, we can access them using the two options below. recall that when we try accessing a column, we get back a series - the labels of this series is the same as the original dataframe (which in this case is a hierarchical index), while the values of the series are the values of the column. note - the second option is preferred / more efficient i think, because we access the desired data in one go -
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titanic_stats['fare']['sum'] # option 1 titanic_stats[('fare', 'sum')] # option 2 # pclass sex # 1 female 4926.0000 # male 6195.4167 # 2 female 2832.4167 # male 4868.8333 # 3 female 3372.1667 # male 9060.8333
- helps pivot the index to columns. if we do not specify the level, the largest / innermost level is used
- assume we have the following series -
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titanic_age_stats = titanic.groupby(['pclass', 'sex'])['age'].mean() titanic_age_stats # pclass sex # 1 female 37.037594 # male 41.029250 # 2 female 27.499191 # male 30.815401 # 3 female 22.185307 # male 25.962273
- when we try plotting it, we get the following. recollection of how ploting of pandas series works by default - x axis is the index (which is hiearchical index / multi index in this case), y axis is the values
- when we unstack without any arguments, the below is what happens - the innermost level of sex becomes a column
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titanic_age_stats.unstack() # sex female male # pclass # 1 37.037594 41.029250 # 2 27.499191 30.815401 # 3 22.185307 25.962273
- now when we try plotting this, we get the below. recollection of how plotting for a dataframe works - we get a bar for every attribute for every index. the values of these attributes is the y axis, the labels are the x axis
- we can also specify the level we would like to unstack using -
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titanic_age_stats.unstack(level='pclass') # pclass 1 2 3 # sex # female 37.037594 27.499191 22.185307 # male 41.029250 30.815401 25.962273 titanic_age_stats.unstack(level='pclass').plot(kind='bar')
- note, my understanding - we have till now performed unstack on a series with hierarchical index. this results in a dataframe, where the column is the level that we unstack, and a level from the hierarhcical index is removed
- complicating things because i am bored - when we try unstacking a dataframe with hierarchical columns - we get an additional level of hierarchical columns
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titanic_age_stats = titanic.groupby(['pclass', 'sex']).agg({ 'age': ['min', 'max', 'mean'] }) titanic_age_stats # age # min max mean # pclass sex # 1 female 2.0000 76.0 37.037594 # male 0.9167 80.0 41.029250 # 2 female 0.9167 60.0 27.499191 # male 0.6667 70.0 30.815401 # 3 female 0.1667 63.0 22.185307 # male 0.3333 74.0 25.962273 titanic_age_stats.unstack() # age # min max mean # sex female male female male female male # pclass # 1 2.0000 0.9167 76.0 80.0 37.037594 41.029250 # 2 0.9167 0.6667 60.0 70.0 27.499191 30.815401 # 3 0.1667 0.3333 63.0 74.0 22.185307 25.962273
Textual Data
- by default, pandas assigns type object to columns if they cannot be assigned numeric data types. object data type encompasses strings, numbers, arrays, etc everything
- my understanding - even if a column is of type object, we can access string methods on it. the other option i believe is to convert it to string type first using astype
- we can access string methods using str
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titanic['name'].str.lower() # 0 allen, miss. elisabeth walton # 1 allison, master. hudson trevor # ... # 1307 zakarian, mr. ortin # 1308 zimmerman, mr. leo
- understand that we just used lower on the column, but pandas was smart enough to apply it to the entire series. this is also applicable to string indexing. e.g. the cabin column looks like below - it is a combination of deck and cabin number, and we make a new column just for deck as follows
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titanic['cabin'] # 0 B5 # 1 C22 C26 # 2 C22 C26 # 3 C22 C26 titanic['deck'] = titanic['cabin'].str[0] titanic['deck'] # 0 B # 1 C # 2 C # 3 C
- we can use slicing etc as well
- strip - strips whitespaces by default
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s = pd.Series(['1. Hawk. ', '2. Pickle!\n', '3. Melonhead?\t']) s # 0 1. Hawk. # 1 2. Pickle!\n # 2 3. Melonhead?\t s.str.strip() # 0 1. Hawk. # 1 2. Pickle! # 2 3. Melonhead?
- note - more features of the strip api -
- specify the characters to strip using the to_strip parameter
- it also has different versions - lstrip and rstrip to only strip from beginning / end
- split - split strings into components. by default, the output would be a list for every string
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titanic['home.dest'].str.split('/') # 0 [St Louis, MO] # 1 [Montreal, PQ , Chesterville, ON] # 2 [Montreal, PQ , Chesterville, ON] # 3 [Montreal, PQ , Chesterville, ON] # 4 [Montreal, PQ , Chesterville, ON]
- we can make each element its own series / column by setting the expand option to true
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titanic['home.dest'].str.split('/', expand=True) # 0 1 2 # 0 St Louis, MO None None # 1 Montreal, PQ Chesterville, ON None # 2 Montreal, PQ Chesterville, ON None
- note - more features of the split api -
- a regex instead of a normal sring to split based on
- we can specify the maximum limit i.e. the maximum number of columns the split should go upto. no more splits would be created, and everything would be put into the last column
- replace - we have already seen replace, but this is the replace method available for string data type
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ufos['duration'] # 0 5 seconds # 1 3-5 seconds # 2 NaN # 3 10 seconds ufos['duration'].str.replace('seconds', 's') # 0 5 s # 1 3-5 s # 2 NaN # 3 10 s
- above was a simple use case, but we can get very complicated with replace - refer docs - we can match using regex, and instead of passing in what to replace with, we can pass a callable which would be called using the for e.g. regex that was matched
- contains - returns a boolean
- again instead of a plain string, we can pass in a regex to match as well
- a complex example - imagine the movies in our dataset have a “genres” column, which are separated by pipes. we can find the genre value counts as follows using explode -
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movies['genres'] # 0 Animation|Comedy|Family # 1 Adventure|Fantasy|Family # 2 Romance|Comedy # 3 Comedy|Drama|Romance movies['genres'].str.split('|').explode().value_counts() # Drama 20054 # Comedy 13067 # Thriller 7565 # Romance 6662 # Action 6542
Apply and Map
- apply - run on every value of the series
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titanic['age'] # 0 29.0000 # 1 0.9167 # 2 2.0000 # 3 30.0000 # 4 25.0000 titanic['age'].apply(lambda x: (x, x * 365)) # 0 (29.0, 10585.0) # 1 (0.9167, 334.59549999999996) # 2 (2.0, 730.0) # 3 (30.0, 10950.0) # 4 (25.0, 9125.0)
- in case our function requires arguments, we can pass them as so -
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titanic['fare'] # 0 211.3375 # 1 151.5500 # 2 151.5500 def currency_conveter(amount, denomination, multiplier): return f'{denomination}{amount * multiplier}' titanic['fare'].apply(currency_conveter, args=('$', 23)) # 0 $4860.7625 # 1 $3485.65 # 2 $3485.65
- till now, we saw apply for series. when using apply on a dataframe, it will call the function for all columns by default. so, if we return back one value per column, we get back a series, where the labels are column names
1 2 3 4 5
titanic[['age', 'fare', 'pclass']].apply(lambda col: col.max() - col.min()) # age 79.8333 # fare 512.3292 # pclass 2.0000
- we can change it to be called for all rows instead. usecase - we have a complex calculation that involves multiple columns of the row. e.g. we have two columns, representing (number of siblings and spouses) and (number of parents and children) respectively. we can get the family size by adding the two. we need to pass in the axis argument, which is index by default
titanic['relatives'] = titanic.apply(lambda row: row['sibsp'] + row['parch'], axis='columns')
- note - doing
titanic['relatives'] = titanic['sibsp'] + titanic['parch']
would also have worked in this case - map (for series) - we pass it a dictionary, and it will replace any values matching the key of the dictionary with the value for that key
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titanic['pclass'] # 0 1 # 1 1 # ... # 1307 3 # 1308 3 titanic['pclass'].map({ 1: '1st', 2: '2nd', 3: '3rd' }) # 0 1st # 1 1st # ... # 1307 3rd # 1308 3rd
- we can also pass a function to map, and map and apply will work in the same way in this case
- when we use map on dataframes, the function is run on all cells of the dataframe. recall how apply was only run along one of the axis - so, the function was either passed the entire row or the entire column
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titanic[['name', 'home.dest']] # name home.dest # 0 Allen, Miss. Elisabeth Walton St Louis, MO # 1 Allison, Master. Hudson Trevor Montreal, PQ / Chesterville, ON # 2 Allison, Miss. Helen Loraine Montreal, PQ / Chesterville, ON titanic[['name', 'home.dest']].map(lambda str: str.capitalize()) # name home.dest # 0 Allen, miss. elisabeth walton St louis, mo # 1 Allison, master. hudson trevor Montreal, pq / chesterville, on # 2 Allison, miss. helen loraine Montreal, pq / chesterville, on
Combining Dataframes
- concat - concatenate series / dataframes
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import pandas as pd s1 = pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'c']) s2 = pd.Series(['d', 'e', 'f']) pd.concat([s1, s2]) # 0 a # 1 b # 2 c # 0 d # 1 e # 2 f
- we can set ignore index to true if our index was not semantic. notice the difference in the index values above and below
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pd.concat([s1, s2], ignore_index=True) # 0 a # 1 b # 2 c # 3 d # 4 e # 5 f
- we can concatenate by index follows -
1 2 3 4 5
pd.concat([s1, s2], axis='columns') # 0 1 # 0 a d # 1 b e # 2 c f
- however, this is not just putting side by side - it is actually using the index values to join. e.g. -
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food = pd.Series( data=['avocado', 'blueberry', 'cucumber'], index=['a', 'b', 'c'] ) animals = pd.Series( data=['dolphin', 'bear', 'chameleon'], index=['d', 'b', 'c'] ) pd.concat([food, animals], axis='columns') # 0 1 # a avocado NaN # b blueberry bear # c cucumber chameleon # d NaN dolphin
- notice the column names would be numeric by default. we can change that using the keys keyword argument
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pd.concat([food, animals], axis='columns', keys=['khana', 'janwar']) # khana janwar # a avocado NaN # b blueberry bear # c cucumber chameleon # d NaN dolphin
- note - we saw NaN earlier, because the join is outer by default. we can set it to inner as well
1 2 3 4 5
pd.concat([food, animals], axis='columns', join='inner') # 0 1 # b blueberry bear # c cucumber chameleon
- till now, we were combining series. now, we combine dataframes. assume we have the data below -
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harvest_21 = pd.DataFrame( [['potatoes', 9001], ['garlic', 1350], ['onions', 87511]], columns=['crop', 'qty'] ) # crop qty # 0 potatoes 9001 # 1 garlic 1350 # 2 onions 87511 harvest_22 = pd.DataFrame( [[1600, 'garlic'], [560, 'spinach'], [999, 'turnips'], [1000, 'onions']], columns=['qty', 'crop'] ) # qty crop # 0 1600 garlic # 1 560 spinach # 2 999 turnips # 3 1000 onions
- when we try to concatenate the two dataframes, we get the below. note - even though the ordering of columns for the two dataframes were different, pandas combines them using the column names
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pd.concat([harvest_21, harvest_22]) # crop qty # 0 potatoes 9001 # 1 garlic 1350 # 2 onions 87511 # 0 garlic 1600 # 1 spinach 560 # 2 turnips 999 # 3 onions 1000
- assume we have another dataframe with an extra column -
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harvest_23 = pd.DataFrame( [['potatoes', 900, 500], ['garlic', 1350, 1200], ['onions', 875, 950]], columns=['crop', 'qty', 'profit'] ) # crop qty profit # 0 potatoes 900 500 # 1 garlic 1350 1200 # 2 onions 875 950
- if we now try concatenating two dataframes with difference in columns, we get NaN for the missing columns
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pd.concat([harvest_22, harvest_23]) # qty crop profit # 0 1600 garlic NaN # 1 560 spinach NaN # 2 999 turnips NaN # 3 1000 onions NaN # 0 900 potatoes 500.0 # 1 1350 garlic 1200.0 # 2 875 onions 950.0
- to change this behavior, we can specify inner for the join type
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pd.concat([harvest_22, harvest_23], join='inner') # qty crop # 0 1600 garlic # 1 560 spinach # 2 999 turnips # 3 1000 onions # 0 900 potatoes # 1 1350 garlic # 2 875 onions
- the ignore index parameter behaves in the same way, already discussed
- we can also set up hierarchical indexing using the keys parameter - e.g. it is typical to analyze files for different years simultaneously, and we might want to encode this information in the form of a hierarchical index for the dataframe
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pd.concat([harvest_21, harvest_22, harvest_23], join='inner', keys=[2021, 2022, 2023]) # crop qty # 2021 0 potatoes 9001 # 1 garlic 1350 # 2 onions 87511 # 2022 0 garlic 1600 # 1 spinach 560 # 2 turnips 999 # 3 onions 1000 # 2023 0 potatoes 900 # 1 garlic 1350 # 2 onions 875
- its closer to a database style join and is more flexible than concat since we can combine using columns instead of relying on the index
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teams = pd.DataFrame( [ ["Suns", "Phoenix", 20, 4], ["Mavericks", "Dallas", 11, 12], ["Rockets", "Houston", 7, 16], ["Nuggets", "Denver", 11, 12] ], columns=["team", "city", "wins", "losses"] ) # team city wins losses # 0 Suns Phoenix 20 4 # 1 Mavericks Dallas 11 12 # 2 Rockets Houston 7 16 # 3 Nuggets Denver 11 12 cities = pd.DataFrame( [ ["Houston", "Texas", 2310000], ["Phoenix", "Arizona", 1630000], ["San Diego", "California", 1410000], ["Dallas", "Texas", 1310000] ], columns=["city", "state", "population"] ) # city state population # 0 Houston Texas 2310000 # 1 Phoenix Arizona 1630000 # 2 San Diego California 1410000 # 3 Dallas Texas 1310000
- now, if we perform a merge, an inner join is performed using the common column name automatically -
1 2 3 4 5
teams.merge(cities) # team city wins losses state population # 0 Suns Phoenix 20 4 Arizona 1630000 # 1 Mavericks Dallas 11 12 Texas 1310000 # 2 Rockets Houston 7 16 Texas 2310000
- we can set the how parameter for join type. as we saw, it is inner by default, but we can set it to outer, left, right, etc
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teams.merge(cities, how='left') # team city wins losses state population # 0 Suns Phoenix 20 4 Arizona 1630000.0 # 1 Mavericks Dallas 11 12 Texas 1310000.0 # 2 Rockets Houston 7 16 Texas 2310000.0 # 3 Nuggets Denver 11 12 NaN NaN
- cross join is also there - all rows of one dataframe with all rows of the other dataframe
- by default, the same column name was used explicitly. we can however, specify the column(s) explicitly using the on keyword argument
teams.merge(cities, on='city')
- note - we can specify multiple columns for the on parameter as well based on use case
- what if the two dataframes have similar column names, and are not being used for joining? pandas will suffix them with _x and _y by default. e.g. below, the name column is being used for the join, so it is only present once. however, the score column is not, and therefore it is preset with a suffix
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midterm = pd.DataFrame( [['shameek', 42], ['colt', 45]], columns=['name', 'score'] ) final = pd.DataFrame( [['shameek', 85], ['colt', 97]], columns=['name', 'score'] ) midterm.merge(final, on='name') # name score_x score_y # 0 shameek 42 85 # 1 colt 45 97
- we can however, specify the suffixes to append -
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midterm.merge(final, on='name', suffixes=['_midterm', '_final']) # name score_midterm score_final # 0 shameek 42 85 # 1 colt 45 97
- also note how we had to specify on explicitly, otherwise both name and score would be used. since there is no data with the same value in both tables, we end up with an empty result set
Relational Plots
- uses matplotlib underneath, and works well with pandas
- typically imported as sns
import seaborn as sns
- to play around with seaborn, we can use any of the datasets present here via load dataset. it returns the pandas dataframe
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tips = sns.load_dataset('tips') tips # total_bill tip sex smoker day time size # 0 16.99 1.01 Female No Sun Dinner 2 # 1 10.34 1.66 Male No Sun Dinner 3 # 2 21.01 3.50 Male No Sun Dinner 3
- note - for the default theme of sns to kick in which kind of looks good, run the following
- for a scatterplot, we can do the following -
sns.scatterplot(tips, x='total_bill', y='tip')
- note - the exact above result could have been achieved without seaborn as well -
tips.plot(kind='scatter', x='total_bill', y='tip')
- but, now, look how we can simply pass hue for different scatter plots based on color on the same axes -
sns.scatterplot(tips, x='total_bill', y='tip', hue='sex')
- further, we can pass in style for different scatter plots based on marker on the same axes
sns.scatterplot(tips, x='total_bill', y='tip', hue='sex', style='smoker')
- note - if we use the same column for hue and style, the marker and color both change, thus maybe improving readability
sns.scatterplot(tips, x='total_bill', y='tip', hue='sex', style='sex')
- e.g. assume tips have a size column, which represents the number of people together. we can add the size keyword argument, which changes the size of the marker
sns.scatterplot(tips, x='total_bill', y='tip', size='size')
- assume we have a dataset for flights like so i.e. we have 12 records per year for each of the months -
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flights = sns.load_dataset('flights') flights # year month passengers # 0 1949 Jan 112 # 1 1949 Feb 118 # 2 1949 Mar 132
- e.g. we try to create a lineplot below. but, we do not specify how it should plot the multiple records that it gets for a passenger in a year. it plots using the estimator as mean by default
sns.lineplot(flights, x='year', y='passengers')
- if we wanted to achieve this ourselves using matplotlib, we would have to group it and then use the aggregation function like below -
- estimators are pandas functions. we can also provide a custom estimator, e.g.
as so -1
sns.lineplot(flights, x='year', y='passengers', estimator='sum')
- note how there is also a confidence interval that seaborn also adds to the plot. we can control its width, method, etc using error bar. setting it to None would remove it completely
sns.lineplot(flights, x='year', y='passengers', estimator='sum', errorbar=None)
- my understanding - seaborn has two kinds of plots - figure level plots and axes level plots. the ones we saw above - lineplot and scatterplot are axes level plots their corresponding figure level plot is relplot or relational plot
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# initial sns.scatterplot(data=tips, x='total_bill', y='tip') # using relplot sns.relplot(data=tips, x='total_bill', y='tip', kind='scatter')
- but now, we can easily put different subplots / different axes on the same figure
- e.g. assume we would like to have different columns for the different values of sex
sns.relplot(data=tips, x='total_bill', y='tip', row='time', col='sex', hue='smoker')
- a more involved example. break into -
- columns using sex
- rows using time - lunch or dinner
- different colors for smokers and non smokers
sns.relplot(data=tips, x='total_bill', y='tip', row='time', col='sex', hue='smoker')
- controlling figure size for axes level plots - we make the figure call first
1 2
plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3)) sns.scatterplot(data=tips, x='total_bill', y='tip')
- controlling figure size for figure level plots - relplot creates a figure for us bts, so we cannot call the figure ourselves. instead, we control size of each facet i.e. subplot using height and aspect (ratio between height and width)
sns.relplot(data=tips, x='total_bill', y='tip', row='time', col='sex', hue='smoker', height=3, aspect=2)
Distribution Plots
- relation plots - relation between two things x and y
- distribution plots - distribution of data, e.g. histogram
- histogram example - assume we try to visualize the tips dataset -
sns.histplot(data=tips, x='tip')
- if we use hue, by default, they would come one on top of another. the opacity is such that they are see through -
sns.histplot(data=tips, x='tip', hue='smoker')
- we can configure it to be stacked instead of appearing one on top of another
sns.histplot(data=tips, x='tip', hue='smoker', multiple='stack')
- we can also set multiple to be dodge, so that appear one beside another. note how i also configure bins in this case
sns.histplot(data=tips, x='tip', hue='smoker', multiple='dodge', bins=5)
- finally, we can add the kde curve to the histogram plot as well by setting kde to true
sns.histplot(data=tips, x='tip', hue='smoker', kde=True)
- above, we ovrlayed the kde curve on top of the histogram. however, we can add a standalone kde curve as well. below, we try to visualize the weights of different species of penguins simultaneously
sns.kdeplot(data=penguins, x='body_mass_g', hue='species')
- finally, we can also configure the precision by adjusting the bandwidth
sns.kdeplot(data=penguins, x='body_mass_g', hue='species', bw_adjust=0.4)
- histograms / kde plots are also called as univariate distribution plots i.e. we only look at the distribution of a single feature
- we can look at bivariate distribution plots as well i.e. analyze two features at once, both on x and y axis
- kde bivariate distribution plots - try looking for smoother curves (like the hollow i believe?)
sns.kdeplot(data=penguins, x='bill_length_mm', y='flipper_length_mm', hue='species')
- histogram bivariate distribution plots - try looking for the concentrated coloring (like a heat map)
sns.histplot(data=penguins, x='bill_length_mm', y='flipper_length_mm', hue='species')
- rugplots - ticks along the x or y axis to show the presence of an observation
sns.rugplot(data=penguins, x='body_mass_g')
- this is not very useful by itself. because rugplots are useful when used with other plots. e.g. below, from our scatterplot, it is difficult to find out where the majority of the values lie, so we supplement it with a rugplot
1 2
sns.scatterplot(data=diamonds, x='carat', y='price', s=2) sns.rugplot(data=diamonds, x='carat', y='price', alpha=0.005)
- we use displot for the figure level plot of distibution plots, no surprises here
sns.displot(data=penguins, kind='kde', x='body_mass_g', col='species', row='island', height=2, aspect=2, hue='sex')
Categorical Plots
- count plot - displays count. but unlike histograms which typically used for numerical data, count plots are typically used for non numerical data
sns.countplot(data=penguins, x='species', hue='sex')
- to achieve something similar when using matplotlib by itself, i did the following -
penguins[['species', 'sex']].value_counts().unstack('sex').plot(kind='bar')
- issue - if we tried to make a scatterplot for categorical data - it would be hard to comment on the density -
sns.scatterplot(data=titanic, x='pclass', y='age')
- solution 1 - we can use stripplot - it introduces a little bit of jitter to improve readability -
sns.stripplot(data=titanic, x='pclass', y='age')
- solution 2 - we can use swarmplot - it ensures points are non overlapping to improve readability. my understanding - use this only for smaller / sampled datasets, otherwise achieving this can become difficult
1 2
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) sns.swarmplot(data=titanic, x='pclass', y='age')
- note how i had to adjust the figuresize, otherwise i get the warning -
UserWarning: 15.2% of the points cannot be placed; you may want to decrease the size of the markers or use stripplot.
- box plots - helps visualize distribution of categorical data easily. features -
- q1 represents the 25% value
- q3 represents the 75% value
- we have the median value plotted in between
- the range between q1 to q3 is called iqr or inter quartile range
- the lines surrounding iqr are called whiskers. they are placed relative to q1 and q3, and default to 1.5 i believe
- finally, we have outliers outside these whiskers
sns.boxplot(data=titanic, x='age')
- using boxplot for categorical data -
sns.boxplot(data=titanic, x='pclass', y='age', hue='sex')
- combining boxplot and swarmplot. small reminder from matplotlib that they go into the same figure and axes since we do not call a
in between1 2
sns.boxplot(data=penguins, y='body_mass_g', x='species') sns.swarmplot(data=penguins, y='body_mass_g', x='species', color='black')
- violin plot - has the box plot at the center along with the kde curve. carefully look at the black line to see the median, inter quartile range and whiskers
sns.violinplot(data=titanic, x='pclass', y='age')
- note - if we add a hue, it creates different violin plots side by side
sns.violinplot(data=titanic, x='pclass', y='age', hue='sex')
- we can however, change this behavior by providing the split parameter
sns.violinplot(data=titanic, x='pclass', y='age', hue='sex', split=True)
- bar plot - again, compare the difference from matplotib, where there is no calculation - it just plots, while seaborn grouping and using an estimator like we saw in line plots
sns.barplot(data=titanic, y='pclass', x='survived', hue='sex', estimator='sum', orient='h')
- the black line i believe helps with approximation and thus faster plotting and calculations
- plotting the same thing using matplotlib -
titanic.groupby(['pclass', 'sex'])['survived'].sum().unstack().plot(kind='barh')
- categorical plot - figure level plot, not bothering as there is nothing new